Ecco i nuovi dati sull’Isola di Plastica

Trasformare la CO2 in roccia? Oggi è possibile grazie al progetto CarbFix

Un’innovativa tecnologia per limitare la presenza di CO2 nell’atmosfera arriva dall’Islanda, grazie al progetto CarbFix.  La società Reykjavík Energy, in collaborazione con il Centro nazionale francese per la ricerca scientifica, l’Università dell’Islanda e la Columbia University, ha sviluppato un metodo per trasformare in modo efficiente ed efficace la CO2 in roccia. Questo processo è infatti in grado di catturare l’anidride carbonica presente nell’atmosfera, iniettarla nella profondità del terreno e farla diventare roccia, grazie ad alcuni processi chimici che impediscono alla CO2 di rientrare nell’atmosfera. Nonostante il processo necessiti di una notevole quantità d’acqua, i promotori dell’iniziativa si dicono fiduciosi sullo sviluppo futuro e sulla crescente sostenibilità di questa tecnologia, anche su scala mondiale. I dati registrati lo scorso anno, infatti, hanno confermato il successo di questa tecnologia, grazie alle 10 mila tonnellate di CO2, pari a quelle emesse da 2.000 auto, che sono state trasformate in roccia. 14/06/2018

Luca Dal Fabbro parla di come innovare in modo sostenibile a margine dell’evento “Il cuore dell’economia circolare”: guarda il video

Il vetro intelligente che vale 1 milione di euro

TGR PIAZZA AFFARI – 05/07/2018

Luca Dal Fabbro live at TG3 Piazza Affari to talk about the circular economy, energy transition and plastic reuse: click 

to watch the video

Rai Radio1 – 18/07/2018

Luca Dal Fabbro parla di come ridare vita alla plastica non riciclabile trasformandola in carbutante su Radio1 all’interno del programma “L’Ultima Spiaggia”

Canada to introduce carbon tax, with a potential boom for the Canadian economy

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Canada Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has announced the implementation of a carbon-tax staring from 2019. This initiative is in line with its campaign pledge made in 2015. Canada, part of the Paris Agreement, committed to reducing its carbon pollution by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Before the introduction of the carbon tax, however, its measure to reduce emissions were judged as highly insufficient, set to reach only a 4% reduction of carbon pollution levels below 2005 by 2030.
As a consequence of the introduction of the carbon tax in the whole country, energy price will rise.
Gasoline, for example, will reach an 8% price increase in 2022. The price of coal, instead, would more than double. Canada, however, already makes an extensive use of renewable energies, supplying around 60% of its needs in energy from hydroelectric generation. Only 20-25% of its energy comes from fossil fuels, so the energy sector would not be the most affected by the new measures. It is, in fact, the industrial sector which is responsible for about 40% of Canada carbon pollution.
The Government understood that covering the costs caused by climate change is much more expensive, mostly considering health and property damages costs caused by extreme weather events.
As stated in an article on the Guardian, it is estimated that, since, taxed money will be distributed to the province that generated them and 90% of revenues will be given back to taxpayers by means of rebates, the increased energy cost will be more than offset by the rebates for 70% of Canadian households.
Studies say this approach can boost the economy since disposable income increases.
A few Canadian provinces in the past already adopted carbon pricing systems and the government realized that they were among the top performers in GDP.

5 facts about air pollution in Europe


Experts say not enough attention is given to the state of air in the EU. The European Court of Auditors has published a report highlighting few alarming facts about the current situation. Results were summarized in an article appeared on the META, the news channel of the European Environmental Bureau.
1st fact: air evaluation systems do not have the same criteria in different countries.
Quality indices differ from a country to another, so the same level of pollution can be considered very bad in one country and acceptable in another country in Europe.
2nd fact: some monitoring stations are closing down.
In a few cities where bad air quality has been registered in the past, now simply has no control anymore as monitoring stations stopped their activity.
3rd fact: only 4 out of 28 countries respected limits for NO2, SO2 and PM in 2016.
The auditors indicated the need to push infringement procedures against the countries who are not compliant with EU law. Enforcement of sanctions is often lengthy and it does not lead to significant change.
4th fact: more focus is needed on air pollution sources.
Sources of air pollution are varied but the report highlighted that the most pollutant plants, for examples, benefit from transitional plans that grant them additional pollution allowances.
5th fact: current air pollution limits are 15-20 years old and they need to be adapted to the latest recommendations from the World Health Organisation.
Suggestions from the report are focusing on ensuring the enforcement of existing regulations, harmonizing air quality limit values and monitoring station location criteria from a country to another.